Mother Aghdas Noorani (Mother Janab)

Mother Aghdas Noorani, Mother Janab, was born in Rasht in Shahrivar 1312 (Aug.-Sep. 1933) and died in Ghazvin on 01 Khordad 1389 (22 May 2010). Mother Janab was a member of the Khavaran Mothers who until the last moments of her life, together with the other Khavaran Mothers and families, continued to seek justice for her son Shahram Janab and all those who lost their lives in the 1360s (1980s). Mother Janab, like the other Khavaran Mothers and families, was faithful to the essence of freedom and liberation struggle of her son Shahram.
The Islamic regime arrested Shahram in relation to Organization of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class in Tehran in the summer of 1360 (1981) and within a short period of time executed him in Evin Prison by firing squad.
Mother Janab was herself a freedom fighter and worked with the Women’s Committee of Organization of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class and families of political prisoners. She presented herself as the mother of Peykar prisoners on several occasions and visited them in prison. She herself was in prison from 1360 to 1363 (1981–1984). After that, he was actively involved in the revelatory activities of the families of the left and communist victims in the following years.
Mother Aghdas was sentenced to twenty years imprisonment. However, she was released in 1363 (1984) with a ban on leaving Iran for twenty years. Later on, this sentence was also quashed but Mother Aghdas never intended to leave Iran for certain reasons, including her activities and her sickness.
Shahram Janab

Shahram Janab was born in Abadan on 05 Mehr 1336 (27 Sep. 1957). After completing his High School education, he entered National (Melli) University in the field of Physics in 1355 (1976). Sharam was arrested by the Pasdars (Revolutionary Guards) in Tehran on 01 Mordad 1360 (23 July 1981) because of his activities with Organization of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class. He was executed in Evin Prison on 13 Mordad 1360 (04 Aug. 1981) and buried in Khavaran in an unmarked place.