Hamid Noori -Assistant prosecutor in Iran Gohardasht prison was arrested by Swedish authorities at the Arlanda airport on 9 November 2019. He is charged with two points of “crimes against the law of nations and murder.”

Hamid Noory (aka Hamid Abassi) joined the machinery of suppression, torture and execution of the IRI in Evin prison toward end1979/ beginning 1980. At the time he was 18 years old.
He started his work at the prosecutor office of Evin Prison. When Lajvardi was appointed as the prosecutor, he did his training with Lajvardi and adopted Lajvardi’s personality and approach as a prosecutor and torturer. Later Noori was transferred to Gohardasht prison and joined the Mortazavi/ Nasserian (Mohammad Moghisseie)/ Lashkari team. According to the records of Iran Tribunal and evidence of witnesses, Noori, together with Nasserian and Davoud Lashkari, was one of the main perpetrators for massacre of political prisoners in August/ September 1988.
The trial of Noory, as one of the elements directly involved in the massacre of political prisoners in Gohardasht prison, may reveal the internal secrets of the regime in connection with this massacre. These revelations may be the foundation stone for prosecution of the leaders of IRI and those directing and implementing the massacre. In particular the members of the “Death Committee” including Hossein-Ali Nayeri, Mustafa Pour Mohammadi, Morteza Eshraghi, Ebrahim Raiisi, Mohammad-Ali Shoushtari, Ali Mobasheri and others. The arrest and trial of Noori can thus be of great importance for the advancement of movement for justice of Iranian people and may shed light on hidden intrigues of the evil massacre of political prisoners.
Iran Watch (as part of Iran Tribunal) since its establishment in 2013, has collected and collated evidence against the high-ranking members of the IRI who were convicted of crimes against humanity by the judges of Iran Tribunal. These has assisted Iran Watch to take action expeditiously, and in matter of days, against Shahroudi (the former head of the Judiciary of the IRI) and Alireza Avaie (Minister of Justice in Rouhani’s Government and member of the “Death Committee” in UNESCO Prison in Dezful).
Following the arrest of Hamid Noory on 9 November 2019, Iran Watch filed a case against him including of a number of plaintiffs.
Iran Watch
19th November 2019