Power of People’s Tribunal
An International Seminar
On Empowering the Civil Society

Hosted by
Iran Tribunal Foundation
Prisoners of ConscienceAppeal Fund

Saturday 25th October 2014 – 09:30 am – 7:00 pm
Sunday 26th October 2014 – 09:30 am – 5:00 pm

Kamran Djan Lecture Theatre
School of Oriental and African Studies
London University(SOAS)
Russell Square

Power of People’s Tribunal

Notwithstanding the enhancement of the international human rights law over the last 50 years, the state institutions have been slow in adapting to the new international environment.  Human tragedies have continued to recur across the world, from Chile to Guatemala, from Rwanda to Iran and Argentina.

Since 1968 with the establishment of the Russell Tribunal on Vietnam, civil societies have come to appreciate its moral power and authority.  The concept of a People’s Tribunal is a response to the ineptitude and insufficiency of domestic and international apparatus in dealing with atrocities committed (and continues to be committed) across the world.

This Seminar focuses on the empowerment of the civil societies around the world by establishing their own remedies in response to the atrocities committed by the State, drawing on experiences from the People’s Tribunals so far established for Iran, Palestine, Japan and the like.

The Seminar aims to enhance the moral authority of the People’s Tribunals and calls on the international community to give wider recognition to the authority of these Tribunals.

Click: Speakers and Subjects