Mother Ghaedi, the mother of Hajieh Sajoudi, died at the late hours of the afternoon of 31 December 2019 in Tehran. Mother Ghaedi was born in 1309 (1930) and lived for eighty-nine years.
Mother Ghaedi in the last one year of her life suffered two heart and brain strokes caused by the stress resulting from years of her struggle to seek justice and became home-bound forever.
Mother Ghaedi was among the mothers who started visiting the Khavaran Cemetery from 1981 up to the next forty years, despite the pressures and limitations for the families created by the Islamic Government in relation to Khavaran, and continued to traverse between her house and Khavaran. Mother Ghaedi was the only one among the Khavaran mothers who was able to visit Khavarn until a year ago.
Mother Ghaedi became familiar with prison for the first time in 1350 (1971) when her first-born son Javad was thrown in the prison. However, the life of Mother Ghaedi saw fundamental changes and transformation since 1360 (1981) when her three children, Javad, Sadegh and Mersedeh and the wife of Javad, Manijeh Hashemi, were arrested. From that time onwards the doors of prisons of Tehran and Karaj became the place of rendezvous of this freedom-fighter and heart-broken mother. With the executions of her two sons Javad and Sadegh and her daughter-in-law Manijeh Hashemi in the early 1980s, Mother Ghaedi was among the mothers whose feet touched the soil of Khavarn for the first time.
Mother Ghaedi along with dozens upon dozens of other Khavaran mothers was a pillar for Iran Tribunal as tall as Mount Damavand. She was always a friend and supporter of Iran Tribunal. The flag which was held by Mother Ghaedi and her fellow freedom-fighters forty years ago to seek justice is now held by the mothers whose loved ones were killed in Aban 1398 (Oct.-Nov. 2019) by the Islamic Republic of Iran.