Over the past four and a half years, we, Mothers of the Khavaran, have closely followed the progress of formation of the People’s Tribunal which is set to review the execution of our loved ones. These historic proceedings are the realization of our heartfelt desires and the desire of every family whose loved ones were unjustly executed in Iranian prisons. The Islamic Republic, watched our beloved children from the first days of the revolution, and subsequent to their arrest and torture, executed them. The Islamic Republic of Iran initiated this massacre in the 1980s, and in 1988 carried out the ultimate mass executions of our captured children, who had somehow survived the executions that had begun some years earlier. A generation they played a role in the realization and victory of the revolution was thus eliminated and buried in unknown and unmarked mass graves.
Since the 1980s we have been in search of truth of find out why, for what reason and under what charges, were our beloved children killed. We waited for 30 years for an answer from the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Not only they did not offer any answers, nor did they ever admit to their heinous crime, instead, throughout the years the coerced us, detained us, and stopped us from visiting Khavaran. The authorities went even so far as depriving us from holding memorials commemorating the loss of our loved daughters and sons. We know our story is the sad story of all mothers, spouses, fathers, sisters, brothers and children, who similarly lost their loved ones in mass killings in prisons throughout Iran.
We, the Mothers of the Khavaran, while celebrating the commencement of these historic Proceedings, consider it a significant step towards the exposure of crimes that the world has ignored for thirty years. This is a historic achievement for us, the families, and the people of Iran, who consider the formation of this Tribunal a significant advancement towards liberation of the people of Iran.
A group of Mothers of the Khavran
28 Khordad 1391 (17 June 2012)